Bicycle.Punk Rock.Action

I Don't Know What To Say, Other Than "God Dammit!"

Posted September 21, 2008 @ 8:14pm | by Hurl

yet another STOLEN BIKE, on the local scene, this time John Franke's XtraCycle. From Mr. Franke, via email:

"Friday night,9/19/08, my beloved Xtracyle (a wedding gift from my wife) was stolen right from our locked porch. I got out there moments after the d-bag split. I have put up posters around the neighborhood and am hoping to hear something back from them. This bike is a huge part of our families gettin'-around-ability. Please be kind enough to spread the word to whom ever may be of help, has an eye on the streets, and/or is looking to put a pole into the front wheel - which is fine by me I can replace that easily."

It specs are as follows:
- Silver Marin Frame
- 8 speed Nexus hub and wheel (which I built)
- Wide loader on the left side
- One black leather handle bar grip on the left
- an Our Own End and Chrome sticker on the board
-1 Bag of dog shit I never got around to tossing

My contact info is

Thank you very much,

John Franke
Filed Under: CRC Coffee Bar | Permalink
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