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Archives: June 2004

It just keeps getting better...

Posted June 8, 2004 @ 6:06am

Thanks to Wheels for sending this link over.


Lard Ass

Posted June 7, 2004 @ 6:06am

This nooze came out last week. It's pretty much common sense in my opinion. Hopefully enough people will learn of this study (and read it.) Maybe then, city planners will pull their heads out of their collective asses and build more livable communities. Part of me thinks it's already too late.This past weekend I rented a car to drive (yeah, yeah; I'm cringing even typing that. Call me a hypocrite, but trust me: this was a valid trip involving celebrating my Mother beating cancer) back to North Dakota for a family function. On the way, we stopped at the Krispy Kreme off of Weaver Lake Road in Maple Grove. Talk about a clusterfuck. This place is one continuous sea of parking lots, big behemoth box stores, and automobile cancor sores. It made me physically ill. The only remedy was to get the hell out of there (no small feat, sorta like Dungeons & Dragons) back onto I-94, and pound the dozen Krispy Kremes. Truly awful development like that makes me want to run off into the wilderness...


Big Rides

Posted June 4, 2004 @ 6:06am

There's some big action rides on the horizon, so let's cut to the chase:Saturday, June 5thFat Tire Brewery Tour brought to you by Nick Sande of Swerve Brewing:• Meet at Great Waters brewpub on 426 St. Peter Street (which just happens to be the Hamm’s building) in downtown St. Paul. You can’t drink all day unless you start in the morning.On Tap: St. Peter Pale Ale, (ON) Golden Blonde, Brown Trout Brown Ale, Hefeweizen, Minnesota Mild. On Cask: Porter, Scotch Ale, Bitter and India Pale Ale• We’ll zigzag our way past the old Schmidt’s brewery and onto the Summit brewery for a 1:00 tour. We’re limited to 40 people inside for this tour.On Tap: Extra Pale Ale, India Pale Ale, Great Northern Porter, Hefeweizen, Grand Pilsner and a soon-to-be-not-so-secret Oatmeal Stout!• After Summit, we’ll go off-roading around Crosby Lake and along the Mississippi to Hidden Falls for a much needed pit stop.• Ride to Nick and Karla’s house for homebrew and...

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