only two shopping days left until we depart for RAGBRAI, and I couldn't be more excited. I've shaved my head and the RB-2 is ready to rip. Team Evil has extended their evil welcome, so if you're on the ride next week and you see a leary bunch of black-wearing bandits headed your way, be advised. Of course, it'll be hard to miss the bus...In other nooze, it's with fondness and joy that I raise a toast toward St. Louis and herald the arrival of one Jameson Cash McGrath. The proud father is none other than Skinny Dugan, aka McGruff. Salud!
This is too fucking awesome. Yeah! Go Capitalism!!! Consumers are rad!
July already; god damn where does the time go. I tell you where, to the fine folks putting in the effort over at Theodore Wirthbuilding and maintaining mountain bike trails. I was there last night getting devoured by mosquitos, which is why I missed the Wednesday Night Ride's inaugural ride of the new LRT train. Dammit, Bobby...