Captain's Blog
Posted August 9, 2004 @ 6:06am
Saturday Night's alright for fighting, uh, I mean riding. This week's Saturday Night One On One Studio Ride was a ripper. 6 knuckleheads rolled north to Alaska and beyond, riding hidden singletrack gems along the Mississippi River. At one point Minneapolis' finest did a hang-out-the-door rolling stop, just like on TJ Hooker, to ask us if we had any spray paint or guns in our backpacks. Seems they'd gotten a complaint from a business owner about some kids on bikes tagging his wall. Sorry officers, but it ain't us...(We did find a grass velodrome-like area along the river so stay tuned for the Mpls. Mafia NASCAR Spectacular, coming soon.) Upon returning to One On One, a glorious 6-pack of Sierra Nevada was dowwwned. Get thee to said shop next Saturday at 5 if you want to participate in further urban dirt track hijinx.Sunday, Zito, Mac, & I headed out to Lebanon Hills. I hadn't rode out there since Kid & Chef's Muggy Buggy Swampthing Single Speed Rally, circa 1999, when I...