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Archives: August 2004

Freedom of Speech? Better watch what you say...

Posted August 31, 2004 @ 6:06am

this is quite fucked then, innit? Please, PLEASE, please get out and vote on November 2. Remember, regime change starts at home.



Posted August 26, 2004 @ 6:06am

Hey Howdy,Just wanted to give all of you an update on the CRC socks. They've been sold out for awhile now but we should have them back in stock within two weeks. So if you've placed an order for same, do not despair, we've got you covered. Just please be patient and we'll have you sorted as fast as we can. I apologize for the delay, and thank you for understanding. Labor Day weekend look for me and the Soulcraft to be rollin' the Dakota 5-0 in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Me vs. Fitzy on our single speeds. A steak dinner rides in the balance.In other nooze, Mac & I are now members of the Bryn Mawr Traffic Committee. We attended our first meeting tonight, looking at issues of reducing speeding on Penn Ave, getting stop signs installed on some uncontrolled intersections, and placement of new sidewalks, among other things. Pretty interesting stuff. Our next meeting is Sept. 23 so stay tuned for further info.Did someone mention CRC #14? Well let's not get ahead of...


NEMA Shorts vs. Dave Evil

Posted August 11, 2004 @ 6:06am

for all of you awaiting the next shipment of NEMA shorts, please be advised that we hope to have them by September, though we aren't ruling out using another supplier (to be determined) and/or going to a different color than black, most likely olive green. If you are still interested in these fine CRC shorts, please send us an email with CRC SHORTS in the subject line and color preference, so that we can keep you, ahem, abreast of the situation.In Wednesday Night Nooze, Captain Dave of Team Evil is in the 612 and plans to be attending this evening's ride. If so, it will be only his second mountain bike ride EVER, so come on out and derby his ass, (still rumoured to be festering with saddle sores from RAGBRAI...)that is all.


Captain's Blog

Posted August 9, 2004 @ 6:06am

Saturday Night's alright for fighting, uh, I mean riding. This week's Saturday Night One On One Studio Ride was a ripper. 6 knuckleheads rolled north to Alaska and beyond, riding hidden singletrack gems along the Mississippi River. At one point Minneapolis' finest did a hang-out-the-door rolling stop, just like on TJ Hooker, to ask us if we had any spray paint or guns in our backpacks. Seems they'd gotten a complaint from a business owner about some kids on bikes tagging his wall. Sorry officers, but it ain't us...(We did find a grass velodrome-like area along the river so stay tuned for the Mpls. Mafia NASCAR Spectacular, coming soon.) Upon returning to One On One, a glorious 6-pack of Sierra Nevada was dowwwned. Get thee to said shop next Saturday at 5 if you want to participate in further urban dirt track hijinx.Sunday, Zito, Mac, & I headed out to Lebanon Hills. I hadn't rode out there since Kid & Chef's Muggy Buggy Swampthing Single Speed Rally, circa 1999, when I...


Super Freak

Posted August 7, 2004 @ 6:06am

Rick James, R.I.P.


Back from the dead

Posted August 4, 2004 @ 6:06am

Egads. Survived Ragbrai with Team Evil last week. The beer intake was staggering, alternating between PBR, High Life, Old Milwaukee, Beast Ice, and Old Style. 6 days of fast tempo, double paceline riding, dressed in black like Jameson Cash McGrath, once again garnered Team Evil with the Ragbrai victory. Ragbrai insiders are speculating on whether or not the Black Train of Death will return to Iowa next year, having set a new Ragbrai record for consecutive victories, but sources close to Evil said the team is looking forward to its off-season training regimen of harvesting organs and drinking whiskey...

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