Bicycle.Punk Rock.Action

Archives: November 2004


Posted November 30, 2004 @ 6:06am

Well I'll be damned. My head feels like Don Decker dropkicked me, while wearing a pair of nicotine-laced boots, natch. Missed High on FIre because we high asses were sitting in the bar at Pizza Luce waiting for some friends. That really pissed me off. Tix (spelled w/the 'x' in homage to my true favorite band,(and cereal-Kid tested, Mother approved) Kix) were $18 large dollars. This too, pissed me off, because now instead of $6 per band, I was paying $9 per, canceling any benefits of the $2 PBR (16oz.) at Luce. I have never been to a show at the Quest, mostly, or rather entirely, since it is a Clear Channel club. I did once see that 'Atomic Dog,' George Clinton, in this club, back in 1990 when it was known as Glam Slam, and was owned by a certain royal purple midget who briefly changed his name to a symbol in the 90's, but that is neither here nor there, and I can now officially say that the sound in this venue sucks. Poor acoustics and very bludgeoned sound, and not necessarily...



Posted November 29, 2004 @ 6:06am

Well it's now officially winter in the heartland, as we've received our first permanent snowfall. And while temps are still hovering in the moderate 30°s, we know it's just a matter of time before the mercury drops and the layers go up. The combination of snow, slush, and ice has made the usual routes a bit tricky, but the muscle-memory and bike handling skills honed over years of riding in this frigid crust keeps us coming back for more. The fixed gear remains the best option for winter battle, and before I head down into the CRC lair to switch brake levers on the Puch Fixie, I want to remind you Minneapolitans of tonights ROCK SHOW, featuring:CLUTCHFU MANCHUHIGH ON FIREI expect to see plenty o'rides locked up in front of the club, yo! $1 PBR 16oz.ers until 7pm at Pizza Luce!


Jim Beam is superior in every way...

Posted November 22, 2004 @ 6:06am

Well, thanks to our friends over at One Gear and MODERN DRUNKARD we learn of this BLASPHEMY!. Do your part, and drink JIM BEAM. It's a far superior product.-CRC Staff


"Hennepin is pretty gnarly"

Posted November 18, 2004 @ 6:06am



some stuff you ought to check out.

Posted November 16, 2004 @ 6:06am

I've been a bit remiss in alerting all you readers out there to some fine individuals. So let's just jump right in:Coming straight outta Burleigh County, it's the THURSDAY NIGHT THUNDER Ride! These kids model themselves after the Mpls. Mafia's own Wednesday Night Ride, and though the site's a little rough, their enthusiasm for alcohol and f.s.u. on bicycles makes them friends of CRC. Besides, several of them were "tutoured" by Diamond Simon Shamrock.Cross season may be winding down, but it ain't no seasonal thing for HUP UNITED. Feel the power. And the pain.Across the pond, my main man Kenny Pryde and his band of eejits get things done at SUPERBIKE MAGAZINE. Just as you'd expect from those cheeky Brits, plenty of sass, ass, self-deprecating humour, and tits. Oi Oi Oi!That's should be enough to get you started. Finally, don't forget to check out the new CRC Metropolis PVC messenger bags, made for us by CHROME INDUSTRIES. To be available in White, Grey, & Orange; should...


hOur Car

Posted November 12, 2004 @ 6:06am

Here's some info on what I believe is a viable transit option. Car sharing on an as-needed basis, versus the economic burden of owning and operating a vehicle. Read on:Dear hOurCar supporters, Here's a brief note about what's happening at hOurCar. The Saint Paul Foundation is currently considering a proposal to provide$25,000 in support of the hOurCar launch. The outcome of this proposalis expected in the coming weeks.hOurCar went before the Metropolitan Council's Transportation Committeeat the end of September. After a limited amount of discussion, theCommittee declined to vote on a proposal to support hOurCar's launch inthe Twin Cities using federal CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation and AirQuality) funds. Despite this setback, planning continues and we are ever closer tolaunching car-sharing in the Twin Cities. hOurCar enjoys bipartisansupport at the federal level, as well as numerous local champions in thebusiness community and among potential...

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