Posted November 30, 2004 @ 6:06am
Well I'll be damned. My head feels like Don Decker dropkicked me, while wearing a pair of nicotine-laced boots, natch. Missed High on FIre because we high asses were sitting in the bar at Pizza Luce waiting for some friends. That really pissed me off. Tix (spelled w/the 'x' in homage to my true favorite band,(and cereal-Kid tested, Mother approved) Kix) were $18 large dollars. This too, pissed me off, because now instead of $6 per band, I was paying $9 per, canceling any benefits of the $2 PBR (16oz.) at Luce. I have never been to a show at the Quest, mostly, or rather entirely, since it is a Clear Channel club. I did once see that 'Atomic Dog,' George Clinton, in this club, back in 1990 when it was known as Glam Slam, and was owned by a certain royal purple midget who briefly changed his name to a symbol in the 90's, but that is neither here nor there, and I can now officially say that the sound in this venue sucks. Poor acoustics and very bludgeoned sound, and not necessarily...