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Archives: April 2007

420-24 overnighter

Posted April 27, 2007 @ 4:57pm

Sov's got that deer-in-the-headlights appeal...Friday night, 4/20/07, six eager lads on bicycles rode southwesterly toward Carver Park for a Sub-24 Hour Overnight bikecamping trip. It was good fun, and hobo pies were enjoyed by all. Leaving from CRC around 7pm, the 6 intrepid riders stopped for provisions and victuals along the way. At a refreshment stop under the bridge on Vine Hill Road, a local pedaled up and chatted. Just as he was about to ride on, we asked if he needed a beer: "Sure!" he eagerly replied, then added, "Wanna smoke a doobie?" Uh, ok...Sov roasts his wiener.


Fruita Sucks! Fruita Sucks!

Posted April 27, 2007 @ 4:28pm

Ok, not really, but those of you who've been around awhile know that we have a standing cheer that goes up whenever Fruita O.G. Troy Rarick comes around. It's similar to those drunken Wednesday Night phone calls, (with a chorus of F-U!) which, truth be told, are not actually only reserved for Wednesday Nights. In fact, I predict that my phone will begin ringing tonight and won't stop thru the weekend, thanks to all the punters who did make it to Fruita, and are riding their nectar single track. That's alright, though. I've been Fruitarded plenty of times in the past, and I know I'll make it there again. But for now, I'm content with the long-ass fixie rides, the late-night Wirth sessions, and the general good feelings that come with riding in the springtime. And those two ArtCrank poseurs at the top? They work at the Best Bike Shop (w/the Bratwurst Service...)


If It's Not Scottish, It's cRRRap!

Posted April 24, 2007 @ 6:06am

well shitfire, here we go again. Three of the Surly 5, along with myself, have secured passage to Scotland for the SSWC '07. Sadly, this does mean that I will be foregoing a return trip to the DAKOTA 5-OH.Then again, I am also missing the 12th Annual Fruita Mountain Bike Festivus this weekend. What's a poor bicycle hack to do? Riding the Merckx for 3+ hours is fun (thanks DAVE). Alright, time for a beer. More nooze at 11...


Dirt Rag Shakeup (down?)

Posted April 23, 2007 @ 6:06am

Brad Q. & Jeff G. have been fired from Dirt Rag Magazine, but no one can give a straight answer why. Something about "conflict of interest & misappropriation of mag's resources." I'll withhold judgement until I can get a word from the boys, but it sounds strange. Keep an eye out for URBAN CYCLIST. Maybe they'll have an answer...H-Action Nooze Reporter


Dirty Merckx

Posted April 14, 2007 @ 11:12pm

put another 3 hours in on the Merckx on Saturday. Would have kept on going but had prior afternoon plans. Who's going to win the Roubaix today? Will Boonen finally make one stick? I wish I had Versus and a flat screen to watch it at the shop, but alas will rely upon fast internet connections and caffeine...rode this a bit on Saturday, also. Front rotor is bent, and awaiting installation of carbon On-One fork; more nooze at 11...


Life Support: Let the children go on foot and on bike

Posted April 13, 2007 @ 6:06am

From the Los Angeles TimesLife Support: Let the children go on foot and on bikeTuesday, April 03, 2007One sunny afternoon as our children played nearby, I asked a neighbor at what age she would allow her son to bicycle around the block by himself."I don't think I would ever do that," she replied. "The world is a very different place now than it was when we were growing up."Did she really think the number of child molesters and kidnappers in the world had increased in the past 20 or 30 years, I asked? "Oh, yes, I think it is increasing. Because of the Internet."At a PTA meeting, during a discussion of traffic problems around the school campus, I asked what we could do to encourage families to walk or bike to school. Other parents looked at me as if I'd suggested we stuff the children into barrels and roll them into the nearest active volcano. One teacher looked at me in shock. "I wouldn't let my children walk to school alone ... would you?""Haven't you heard...

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