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Archives: May 2007

The Thursday Morning Ride (TTMR)

Posted May 31, 2007 @ 6:06am

truly no TTMR is complete without a stop at Al's Breakfast in Dinkytown...


Leave the Moving Van at home...

Posted May 30, 2007 @ 2:26pm

Local Activists Move Using Only Human PowerLocal environmentalist, activist, and bicycle advocate Karl Stoerzingerwill be moving from Inver Grove Heights to South Minneapolis Sunday,June 3rd at 10:00 a.m. - using only human power. A group of bicycleadvocates and environmentalists have pledged to help Mr. Stoerzingermove all of his worldly goods over 15 miles without use of cars, trucks,or gasoline. The caravan will meet at The Hub Bicycle Co-Op in SouthMinneapolis, ride to Inver Grove Heights, and pile everything onto or intobicycle trailers, backpacks, messenger bags, bike racks, and panniers.Everything will then be carried, pulled, or pushed to Mr. Stoerzinger's newresidence in the Corcoran neighborhood. The move is to a house of fiveresidents, all of whom do not own cars, but rather use bicycles for dailytransportation/utility.Several local cyclists and bike shops have come forward offering use of theirlegs, their equipment, and their knowledge. The Hub Bicycle Co-Op andSibley Bike...


Save the Zitos...The Hits Keep Comin'

Posted May 21, 2007 @ 9:30pm

This, too, for you So.Cal'erz...


Almanzo 100

Posted May 19, 2007 @ 6:06am

some last minute shuffling had the gracious K-Mac & S-Casebeer haulin' my ass down to Rochester for the start of the inaugural Almanzo 100, a 100 mile race from Rochester to Mankato, primarily on country gravel roads. 13 riders showed up, 12 started (the guy on the Roadmaster was convinced that he might not make it). I was one of two fixies. There were two guys on 29'ers that had competed in the Trans-Iowa. The pre-race announcements were given, cue-sheets handed out, and then race organizer Chris Skogen said, "I think we'll start.....NOW." I hadn't even put on my jersey yet, but figured no big deal; this would be a long race. It was.I got going and after an initial roll thru Rochester proper, the pavement ended as the first climb began. I could see a few riders in front of me on the long stretches, but it wasn't until about 10 miles in that I caught the guys at the front, made up of the 2 Trans-Iowa guys, another Mankato local on a Dos Niner, Grumpy's rider Bjorn Christianson,...



Posted May 18, 2007 @ 6:06am

Is anyone travelling to Mankato tomorrow, say, in the afternoon, and willing to drive to beat racers of the Almanzo 100 back to Minneapolis? Come on; I know you're out there...


Save the Zitos...

Posted May 17, 2007 @ 6:06am

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