Rapha Rides the TOC - Episode 2 from RAPHA on Vimeo.Rapha Rides the TOC - Episode 3 from RAPHA on Vimeo.
Local rock-n-roll juggernäut, Steve Post, aka: The Wrexecutioner, was the victim of a hit-and-run driver on Saturday night, somewhere in NE Mpls. [what kind of fucktard can leave another human being lying helpless in the street, after running them over? If/when found, the driver of this vehicle should have their fingernails forcefully removed with a rusty needle-nose plier, and be forced to endure Celine Dion songs for eternity...] Wrex is in good spirits, but will have to undergo surgery to fix his busted ankle. The swelling on his mug has gone down some and today he is able to open and use his right eye, which was swollen shut on Sunday. Think good thoughts for Stevie, and be careful out there.
OK all you dirty librarians, In stock at CRC right now:Urban Velo #12Cog #5Chick-Head Records Zine #27"Bike Magazine March 2009Mountain Flyer #11 -(The Dirt Rag of the West!)Cyclocross Magazine #5
Now you know....
Coming up quick, the Twin Cities Bike Swap will be held again at the National Sport Center, in Blaine. Never mind the small print above (it says 2008, by mistake). Come on out and spend lots of cash. You know, to stimulate the economy, and whatnot...