SLICK 50 '09 [more like Slick 100k....]GRUMPY'S TOUR DE FORCE (Arc de Tri-Grump)Saturday, 21 March, 2009. Breakfast? You're on your own. I'd recommend oatmeal.12 noon: depart from Grumpy's Northeast-No Bullshit, and no, we won't wait for you.Grumpy's(Mpls-NE)-Grumpy's(St. Bonifacius)-Grumpy's(Mpls-DT). [Ride will finish at Grumpy's Downtown]This is a ride, not a race. That said, it is a fast group ride. We do not "wait up." If you're not comfortable riding for 5+ hours, it could get ugly; bring your vagisil, or Bag-Balmâ„¢, or whatever you need to stay dry. Fenders recommended.There will be no team cars allowed...There may be some of these...Get ready...