It's No Secret...
Posted July 21, 2012 @ 10:33pm
that I've been a total slacker in keeping this log updated, fresh, re-skinned, or covered in glitter. And lots of you have let me know it. (What's up, Crank Myassoff, of LaCrosse, Wi?) Well, without making too much of a fuss, let me first, apologize, and second, pledge to reverse that trend. Truth be told, I've only just recently had internet service restored at the homestead, and in addition to that first world problem, it's been 55 hour weeks at ye olde salt mines. Weak excuses, no doubt, but fuck it. I'm not here to convince you, only the content can do that. In the coming weeks I hope to streamline this site with the help of the crack team of Space2Burn (ask them about catching bike thieves.) So bear with me as I try to fix this, as well as the Sturmey Archer on my '72 Raleigh Superbe.... Oh, and those Levi's Trucker jackets turned out all right, –and very limited edition, I might add– so stay tuned for photos/info on that.Thank...