WHISKEY 50 – 26 APRIL, 2014– PRESCOTT, ARIZONAI’m damn near hypothermic riding in white-out conditions at the Whiskey 50 Offroad race, and I’ve got one song stuck in my head:“Clear as winter icethis is your paradise…Straight to hell boyGo straight to hell boy”Flying to Arizona in late April for a mountain bike race, you imagine warm temperatures and bright sunshine. The one and only Lance “LanceScaping” Larson had invited me down to ride the Whiskey 50 with him. After our brutal Midwest winter, how could I say no? But as race day dawned Saturday morning, it was looking grim.; 39° and driving rain at the 7:30 am start. Riders in all kinds of makeshift headgear and rainwear toed the line. Shower caps, tinfoil-covered helmets, Day-Glo plastic garbage bags called into service as rain gear.The Whiskey Offroad is in its 11th year, starting and finishing on the infamous South Montezuma Street in...