I turned 36 yesterday. That's like turning 18, twice. To my recollection, nothing too spectacular happened on my first 18th birthday, but kicking off this second party is the coldest 15 day forecast in 25 years. It's a god damn "nuke-yuler" winter! There's really only one way to ride in this weather: just give 'er. If you refuse and stay indoors, you'll just be locked up in your own personal Kremlin. Then again, I figure if I'm out pushing the pedals in this arctic tundra, I might as well behave like Boris Yeltsin...
This SATURDAY January 24th in MADISON, WISCONSIN, StrongArm Marketing operatives will be attending the CRONOMETRO BIKESWAP (cronometro.com) representing CRC and One On One Bicycle Studio. Plenty of hot crap available including the new Chuck Woolery wool socks, the infamous GET RAD shirt, Vintage VELO-REHAB wool jerseys, and the usual flotsam and jetsam that tends to accumulate when your whole damn lifestyle revolves around bicycles and the like. If you do plan on attending the gig, please drop by to say hello and bring us beer!