Bicycle.Punk Rock.Action

Forget What Ya' Heard

Posted May 3, 2012 @ 11:01pm | by Hurl

Forget What Ya' Heard


This is your first notice:

THE USED BIKE SALE & BIKE SWAP MEET is coming up at ONE ON ONE BICYCLE STUDIO, Sunday, 20 May. We will be selling over 100 fine pre-owned cycles that deserve your ass on their saddles. We will also be selling a bunch of crap. You should, too. Tables are availabe for $15 dollars. Admission is FREE! 

There will be loud rock-n-roll, loud noises, and I imagine a derby. It's Art-A-Whirl weekend, too, so there should be plenty of freaks on bikes.

Just get on with it.


Get Rad,


Filed Under: General Mayhem | Permalink
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