May 17th, 2006
Dear Family and Friends of Loren,
I’m sorry it’s been a few days since we’ve updated you on Loren’s forward progress. Nancy is back to work this week leading a mountain bike tour throught the desert expanse that separates Fruita, Colorado from Moab, Utah; and Jenn’s had her hands full with her increasingly energetic husband. I had a couple hours of work evaporate into cyberspace two nights ago, the unfortunate result of a computer error. Last night, the whirlwind of emotions that’s been this last month prevented the right words from settling on a page. But I say enough of this aperitif, and on to the main course.
I’m thrilled to report that Loren has been kicking ass this past week. His intellect and humor are intact, often manifested through his verbal communications with Jenn, Tom, and most everyone else who frequents his room. He recognized me and spoke my name the moment he laid his eyes on me this last Sunday - the first time I’d visited him since I departed for Aspen some two weeks ago. Loren won me over in a flash, the mere utterance of a single syllable convincing me that he will one day return to complete health. I’m sure this sounds like a naive rush to judgment; I’m merely calling it like I saw it. Since that moment he’s done nothing but substantiate my initial impression in far more tangible ways.
Loren has correctly identified and spelled answers to the daily crossword puzzles Jennifer has been doing to whittle away time. And he regularly displays his wry sense of humor. He’s able to make light of his situation as he slowly begins to understand the cirumstances that have landed him in BCH. Loren is also becoming more alert with each passing day. He is, in essence, sobering up. I’ll relay examples of his advances after I visit him later today.
Rest assured that many of our hopes and prayers are being answered. Please keep the positive energy coming this way.
Steve Porsborg