Hey, isn't Feb. 2 traditionally ground hog day? Well with our first "unsafe air" alert in 25 years, ain't nobody gonna see their shadow today. That's alright, just remember to keep the windows rolled up in your SUV...
This Saturday is the 8th Annual
STUPOR BOWL. This year's event will follow a points system, with 30 different stops, including the Dubliner in St. Paul. I expect to see all the local hotheads on parade, as well as many out of town friends, and a certain lack of regard for personal safety, as is often the case.
In local nooze, the first run of CRC Chrome bags are SOLD OUT, though you can win one as a prize during the aforementioned STUPOR BOWL. Stay tuned for further developments.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programs.
Stay classy, Minneapolis.