Bicycle.Punk Rock.Action

Happy Nu-metal Year

Posted January 5, 2004 @ 6:06am | by Hurl

Holidays come and go, like they do every year, but I still have a keg of Summit Pale in my living room. Two nights of trying, and the damn thing still ain't empty. That's alright, though, because the weather outside IS frightening: 0 degrees with a minus 25 windchill. But whutcha gonna do about it? Bitch and moan? Nope. Put on the vapor barrier, and RIDE, dammit. Don't gimme none of that No Go Diggy Di shit... This website is going to see a major revamp in the next few weeks, complete with shopping cart buttons for all you impulse buyers, new tshirts, and a new hoodie, wool socks, and maybe even some goat cheese. Stay tuned for that, but in the interim, be sure to head down to Cockleburr & Catboxxes' One On One Studio, in Minneapolis' seedy Warehouse District, for lots of bicycle-related goodness. All this typing is making me thirsty...
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