In a year when we've received more snow than the last four combined, and nearly every house in the region has "beautiful" icycles dangling from their rooftops caused by these damn
ice dams, I thought I'd escape the watery mess of a roof leak. But last night, just before going to bed I noticed bubbling paint and soft spots on our interior wall. Just great. We finished painting that fucking room only two weeks ago, as well. This morning I strapped on my TSG dirt jumper helmet, grabbed a 12 ft. copper pipe from the garage, and started knocking down icy stalagtites. Maybe a case of too little too late, but the temps are threatening to reach 40° (yes, above) today, so hopefully Ma Nature will lend a helping hand. Not looking forward to patching that wall, though...
And in local nooze, Friday night, another arthouse bacchanal ensues at the
One On One Bicycle Studio , as Jim Zelliger's "Air-Ride Equipped" show opens. Be sure to check out these boss paintings, and enjoy some cold beer. This opening dovetails nicely with both the Island Cycle/J&B and QBP open houses this weekend, so expect plenty of industry beatniks to show up and spill beer on your Lake MX300 winter boots.