Bicycle.Punk Rock.Action

I'm all out of Oil...

Posted March 29, 2006 @ 6:06am | by Hurl

Well here's one that would never be embraced by the Big 3 in Detroit, but it's nice to see the French making strides in alternative energy. Speaking of energy, I'm feeling more of it, now that spring is *finally* showing signs of arrival. Today may be the first day this year that I haven't worn long-johns for the ride in to the shop. It would seem appropriate then, that the Cykel Garage was the defacto cycling knicker headquarters this a.m. Dan Steeves was wearing a pair of v1.0 Hypnotic Designs, The Wrexican was rocking the new Chrome Shins, and like a rabbit pulling something out of a hat, I was (and am still) feeling sartorial in the new Patagonia Night Train Knickers. For riding bikes, knickers are hard to beat. Check out all three of these, and see if you don't agree.
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