Bicycle.Punk Rock.Action

Inbound & Receiving

Posted February 11, 2010 @ 6:06am | by Hurl

Originally uploaded by handsomecycles
OK. Pay attencion. Next week is Qube Farm's Frostbike. (bitchen video part, Bernie Doll!) Lotsa out o'towners will be in attendance. In an attempt to cross-pollinate, some of Mpls. finest bike knobs are throwing a pardü on Saturday night at the bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms (ATF) aka Angry Catfist, (ACF), featuring the musical sylings of Four On The Floor. But nevermind all that. First you'll have to get past this weekend's SCIHFIRASDFCHC on Saturday, [site TBA] & the Twin Cities Bike Swap on Sunday.
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