Hola Compadres,
it's that time of year again-Interbike in Los Vagrants. The Retarded Dingoes will be hitting the road again, wrecking Vegas before heading on to DownEVIL for the Single Speed Worlds, and wrapped up with a visit to the Chet Peach BBQ in Fruita on October 19. Look for updates from the road and/or pleas for bail money...
CRC #12 is finished! All that's left is for Kinko's to work their magic, and the 44 page doorstop will be ready, for the low, low price of $3. If you're at any of the above mentioned gigs, hit me up for a copy. And while you're at it, buy one of the swarthy new CRC Bicycle Punkrock Action t-shirts, thank you.
On that topic, any orders received in the next three weeks will ship when we return. As always, thanks for your support.
Do it in the Dirt!
P.S. MSN fucking sucks so please send any messages to carsuck@yahoo.com in the next few weeks.