Bicycle.Punk Rock.Action

New Products/GP Bike Swap

Posted February 28, 2004 @ 6:06am | by Hurl

yikes, what a weekend. The annual QBP open house, or "Frostbike" as they're calling it now, has come and gone. The highlight of the weekend definitely Friday night's art opening for Jim Zellinger's "Air-Ride Equipped" installation at One On One Bicycle Studio. Lots of people showed up, and plenty of Shithouse Awards were handed out. Next up on the agenda, is the St. Paul Bicycle Racing Club & Grand Performance Bike Swap, this Sunday the 29th at the St. Paul Academy School Gym. Look for the Mpls. Mafia table, and check out the PINK CRC shirts, back by popular demand, as well as the BICYCLE PUNKROCK ACTION shirt. This, and much, much more. Now back to you in the studio, Tom... Hello! Tom here, down in the studio . Like to thank you for use of the Kona Unit on the thursdaymorningride. It preformed just wonderful. I think everybody got a taste of it, I know I did! Bruises on 3 of the 4 points. That bike does damm good for just having 1.8 tires. Punk.
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