This Saturday, 16 May, 2009, is the 3rd running of the mighty
Sunday recovery ride info below:
After a rain delay (soft, I know), the Pig's Eye Punisher is officially rescheduled for this Sunday, May 17. Rain or shine this time. The ride will meet at the Muddy Pig in St Paul (at the intersection of Selby and Dale) at 11:30, with a departure of 12:30 sharp. This is a fun but challenging ride. If you haven't ridden much this spring, its probably not the ride for you. The route is only 30-some miles, but with numerous STEEP hills. I don't want anyone to be dropped, but maps will be provided and please bring a flat/tool kit in case you have some problems. A mid-ride beer/fuel stop is planned for those who may fall behind. For the competitive types, there will be a King-of-the-Valley competition, with prizes to the top climbers. We will re-convene at the Muddy Pig around 4:30 for awards and celebratory Belgian ales.
All riders are welcome. However, this course is not track bike friendly. I insist that all fixed gear riders come prepared with a front brake. I love brakeless riding as much as anyone, but a number of the downhills are steep with T-intersections or busy roads at the bottom. It just ain't worth getting hurt over.
For those who do not know where St Paul is or how to get there, I will be leading a group ride from CRC Coffee (34th/Lyndale) to the start. Ride will leave at 11:00am sharp.
Questions or comments may be directed my way: