Bicycle.Punk Rock.Action

We're Having Much More Fun...

Posted September 16, 2009 @ 11:18am | by Hurl

Ladies & Gents,
Howdo. Just back from the Rapha Gentlemen's Race (RGR) this past weekend in Oregon. 138 miles, riding from Otis on the coast, to Portland. Photos soon. Meanwhile, there is so much crap going on this month it's hard to wrap the head around. Here are a few upcoming events for you to check out if you're in Mpls:

The 8th Annual All British Cycling Event welcomes all nutters of the realm this weekend, with the ever popular Gravity Race & Pastry Joust, and other festivities, centered in and around Barley John's Brewpub. Remember: this is a lycra-free event...

BABES IN BIKELAND returns for another Alleycat for the Ladies. Afterparty at the usual afterparty spot....

Stalwart Almanzo 100 race promoter Chris Skogen offers his take on a gentlemenly Gentlemen's Ride, this Saturday, 19 September. Wish I could be there, but alas, I cannot.

The "racing" season is still in full swing, and we wish the best of luck to all riders in this weekend's 666th running of the bulls in Chequamegon.

Sunday, 20 September is another go-round of the Minneapolis Bike Tour. Check out that sweet Adam Turman artwork!

The HECK OF THE NORTH on 26 September, will be my last long distance race/ride of the year. This one will be a bit more remote than Ragnarok/Almanzo, and I'm looking forward to it.

Pictured here is the tshirt art for the returning New Belgium-sponsored URBAN ASSAULT RIDE returns to Mpls on Sunday, 27 September. Get thee to the start line and defeat defending champions Wheels + Zitox.

Get Crunk. Poster sez it all, and that's all I know, Homie. Soon, it will be Halloween...
Filed Under: CRC Coffee Bar | Permalink
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