Just got back from 5 days in NYC, and a hearty FUCK YOU to Johnny from Jersey. I left my bloody cell phone in a cab and when I called my own number on Monday to check for any messages, this derelict picks it up. Sez he found it in the cab and wants to be a good samaritan. That's very cool. Unheard of, but cool. Thankyou Sir. So I gave Johnny my hotel address. Says he'll express it overnight. Great. Next day the phone doesn't show up so I call my messages again and Johnny answers. Says he got to thinking and doesn't want to be out the $12 it would cost to send it to me, even though I assured him the day before that I would send the money when I received the phone. He then asks if there's a reward for the phone. I told him if he wants to be an asshole about it, fine. No, he assures me he just doesn't want to be out $12 and will send it overnight. Yeah right, fuckface. I immediately cancelled my service and headed out for one final night on the town. So the morale of the story? FUCK YOU JOHNNY FROM JERSEY! And if you want info on the upcoming Single Speed World Champs in Downieville, CA on OCTOBER 12, then go here: