Bicycle.Punk Rock.Action

Archives: June 2007

The Black Hills are Black like my heart...

Posted June 28, 2007 @ 10:26am

Some of you may have heard that I recently went on a little riding junket to the Black Hills with some members of BikeMagazine, and various industry miscreants. What's below is a few photos from said junket, with more to come. (w/mea culpas to Burnsie and Tea Bag Dale...fuckin' blog-whores...)Chopper had some chainring woes on day one.Kid Riemer maxin' and relaxin' after day one.Fruitard Troy tellin' lies...Troy payin' for said lies.Former Mpls. Mafia dunce Luby, throwin' blue-fork love at some Black Hills singletrack.


Maah Daah Hey Trail Update

Posted June 16, 2007 @ 6:06am

If you're concerned about the future of the Maah Daah Hey Trail, one of the premier mountain bike trails in the Midwest, then please READ ON. Your comments to the USFS could help preserve this trail. Do it. Do it now.


Man Dowwwn

Posted June 14, 2007 @ 6:06am

Local stalwart Dave Gray took a strange fall last night in the waning moments of the Thursday Morning Ride. Possible dislocated hip or broken leg. The HCMC broom wagon swooped him up. Awaiting word from Southside Goonsquad (BP,GO,CZ) for confirmation. *THIS JUST IN: BROKEN FEMUR. Shit, this sucks. Send all your healing karma toward Grayboy.PART DEUX: Riding at Lebanon Hills on Friday morning, I clipped a tree with the left side of my handlebar. This jettisoned me off of the Sycip to the right and I landed in a cluster of stumps and branches, with a jagged edge stabbing into my right arm just between the bicep and the armpit. Muscle tissue was only slightly torn, and unbelievably the wound did not really bleed at all. But the puncture required 10 stitches; 4 to reconnect the muscle tissue, and 6 to close the wound. Egads, no fun at all. Anti-biotics and lots of 12 oz. curls in are the rehab regimen, (though I've already rode part of Wirth and Hobo Camp w/my 11 year old nephew...


Police Brutality

Posted June 11, 2007 @ 6:06am

THIS is very disturbing, both as a cyclist, and on a civil rights level. Cyclists are continually treated as second-class road users, yet we pay taxes just like the rest of the fossil fools. Stephen Orsak got fucking TASED! for riding his bike. STAY INFORMED HERE.


Welcome to the Corcoran Neighborhood, Karl! If the...

Posted June 1, 2007 @ 8:28am

Welcome to the Corcoran Neighborhood, Karl! If the moving crew needs a break on Saturday, check out this biking event, which leaves from the Midtown Farmers' Market in the Corcoran Neighborhood at 10:00 am. GustafsonCorcoran Neighborhood Organizationeric@corcoranneighborhood.org612-724-7457

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