19" Kona Cinder Cone custom single speed. Urban city bars, cross-terra 26 x 1.5 tires. $350 for solid, rad transportation.Chrome Fuji Fixed. 42 x 17. 56cm seat tube, 57cm top tube. Blue wheels + blue riser bar + $350 and it's yourn.
photo from here. Stay tuned.
BE THERE!Originally uploaded by handsomecyclesOK. Pay attencion. Next week is Qube Farm's Frostbike. (bitchen video part, Bernie Doll!) Lotsa out o'towners will be in attendance. In an attempt to cross-pollinate, some of Mpls. finest bike knobs are throwing a pardü on Saturday night at the bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms (ATF) aka Angry Catfist, (ACF), featuring the musical sylings of Four On The Floor. But nevermind all that. First you'll have to get past this weekend's SCIHFIRASDFCHC on Saturday, [site TBA] & the Twin Cities Bike Swap on Sunday.
Word on the gravel, from Chris Skogen is that 435 have entered the 2010 edtion of the Almanzo 100. (May 15, for those who don't know). That is insane. this Fuji would be right at home on 100 miles of vitamin G...