Bicycle.Punk Rock.Action


Posted September 5, 2002 @ 6:06am | by Hurl

damn glad I haven't had to endure another Midwest summer sweatbox sauna. I'm sitting in one right now in good ol' Minneapplepuss. After a 6 hour Frontier Airline debacle, I arrived back in the 612 last night, just in time to see Girls Against Boys in the Entry, and drink excessive amounts of Jim Beam, Budweiser, and PBR, no thanks to my good scoundrel pals Cecil Cook, the Fitzwerks Bros., Cheva Knevil, BIg E. Eric Sovern, and Dave Evil. Just hucked a window unit AC in the front room and this Fisher Too Niner leaning up against the wall needs to be ridden. I've finally got ahold of some photoshop so look for some "snappies" (shout out to Rondo Ige!) of the 2003 Bianchi S.i.S.S. this week. And if you do nothing else, ride down to your local record shop and buy the new Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf. I need a beer...
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