Bicycle.Punk Rock.Action

Archives: February 2005

Orange you glad?

Posted February 25, 2005 @ 6:06am

Hey Foxes,the ORANGE CRC messenger bags have arrived. Only 2 remain. If you'd like one, get on the horn and you can pay via Paypal, if you weren't aware. Cost is $125 + $10 shipping.Don't delay, act today!


Baby Girl

Posted February 22, 2005 @ 6:06am

CONGRATULATIONS to Jennifer & Gene O., proud parents of a bouncing, baby girl. 6 lbs. 10 oz., born Sunday afternoon at 4:36 p.m.Hunter S. Thompson, R.I.P.-Hurl



Posted February 15, 2005 @ 6:06am

Howdy Rokkers,lest you did not know it, this weekend will be a maelstrom of bicycle culture in our fair city. Friday night at One On One Studio, the closing party for 21 Days to Paris will take place. Your last chance to check out Caroline Yang's excellent TDF photo exhibit. As the weekend coincides with the annual QBP Open Haus, (Frostbike), expect many bike industry luminaries to be present. But the big deal is Saturday night. After taking in the Hank 3 show at First Avenue, be prepared to attend the screening of the American cyclocross film, PURE SWEET HELL, midnight at the St. Anthony Main theatre. Meet at One On One from 8-11 pm for a mixer and then RIDE to the show on your cross bike, if you have one.Happy Birthday today, to my Pops. Capt. Larry is 73!


Double XL-a CRC Kit update

Posted February 8, 2005 @ 6:06am

hey, who was axin' me about 2XL black tshirts? Well, they're now in stock, We don't have these very often, so step right up. If you were lucky enough to grow up on your BMX bike in the late 70's/early 80's then like me, your bible was the magazine, BICYCLE MOTOCROSS ACTION. In a straight homage/ripoff of the MOST FACTORY MAG (as it was known) we "appropriated" their original logo into our Bicycle Punkrock Action t-shirt, about 2 years ago. Today, I'm here to let you know that they are officially all gone. You snooze, you lose, as Oz used to say...New hoodies on the horizon, this time in "dark chocolate" for all you Darryl Dawkins fans. Ink color may be blue. Or may be hot pink; not certain yet.The amazing success of the first run CRC/CHROME Metropolis bags leads me to tell you that a second run is going to be back in stock by the end of the month, and this time in ORANGE. You'd be wise to pre-order as they won't be in stock for long. And this time, I'm keeping one for...


100 Miles of Funk

Posted February 6, 2005 @ 6:06am

Stupor Bowl has come and gone. Don't ask me who won, I was, uh, a little "stupored." It was another great race, and props to Christian and the Super Rookie.Now here's another event to mark on the calendar:Lumberjack 100-Michigan State Single Speed ChampionshipsSATURDAY JUNE 18, 2005 --LUMBERJACK 100New this year, Kisscross and Slingshot Bicycles bring to you, Michigan's only 100 mile mountain bike race! To be held at the Big-M Ski Area in the Manistee National Forest. This course is gonna rock! Plan on a 3 or 4 lap race with each lap totaling 25-33 miles in length. The course features tons of elevation changes, singletrack, two track and fantastic scenery. The entry fees will be unlike other Kisscross events(sorry) but you will get plenty of perks for your hard earned cash. The race will also be limited to 100 racers, solo classes only and have a 12 hour time limit. Advance registration to begin in March. Keep an eye on the kisscross web site, more details to follow as...


Groundhog Day?

Posted February 2, 2005 @ 6:06am

Hey, isn't Feb. 2 traditionally ground hog day? Well with our first "unsafe air" alert in 25 years, ain't nobody gonna see their shadow today. That's alright, just remember to keep the windows rolled up in your SUV...This Saturday is the 8th Annual STUPOR BOWL. This year's event will follow a points system, with 30 different stops, including the Dubliner in St. Paul. I expect to see all the local hotheads on parade, as well as many out of town friends, and a certain lack of regard for personal safety, as is often the case.In local nooze, the first run of CRC Chrome bags are SOLD OUT, though you can win one as a prize during the aforementioned STUPOR BOWL. Stay tuned for further developments.FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS: Now back to our regularly scheduled programs.Stay classy, Minneapolis.

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