Bicycle.Punk Rock.Action

Archives: December 2003

punk planet

Posted December 31, 2003 @ 6:06am

-from Punk Planet #53Cars Are Coffins #11I was pretty excited to receive this as I’ve seen Cars R Coffins stickers and such for a long time, but I was never even aware that the zine existed. Unfortunately, it is apparently distributed through Tower Records and seems to pander to that audience. For the killing blow, the brunt of this issue is full of stories about just drinking beer and driving cars. Ugh, what a joykill. The practical bike information was so minimal that it was disgusting (JB)Hooray! We got panned in Punk Planet! When will these blowhards get it? It's cars-R-coffins, not toys-ARE-us.... Next up, we'll try to piss off Maximum Rock-n-Roll. And we will continue to pander to the Tower Records audience (huh?!???) -practicHurl


Faders Up...

Posted December 26, 2003 @ 6:06am

Did you survive? Did you make it through the Holiday gauntlet, a feast with friends and family? I did, but barely. The X-Mess Eve Wednesday Night Ride was fantastic. Two of us showed up at the Bombshell, Carbomb and myself, and proceeded to ride to the only bar we knew would be open: The Country Bar. Ho ho ho! And what do we have here, but Hard Corpse Larry, Dakota, and Coleman, bikes locked akimbo out front. The karaoke machine was just getting warmed up when Trevor & Crue showed up. H.C. Larry announced, \"I wanna tackle Trevor,\" and proceeded to do just that, with a loud crash of barstools below. How drunk are these guys? The High Life\'s were flowing, Carbomb cutout at 11:30 for a date, and the karaoke did not stop! Rolled home the empty Xmess streets to 2:30 am slumber. Zzzz. No sign of Satan Klaus, but check out this link


Bloody Hell

Posted December 17, 2003 @ 6:06am

Well Good Morning Lads,Wireless internet connections are swell, no? Like how you can sit in a smoky coffee bar in Uptown, and post missives live to the International Network on the triple-W. But I digress...There's talk of a New Year's Day Hungover Helper Ride, being organ-ized by none other than Brauer Power. The meeting place will be the Lake Harriet Bombshell at High Noon. And contrary to some of the "rides" of late, this will be, in fact, just that: a RIDE. Be prepared to PEDAL, dammit Bobby. The overall theme is going to involve sledding, stunts, and Feats of Strength. So bring a flask, maybe a helmet, and don't forget the all-important VAPOR BARRIER. More nooze will posted as it becomes available. And the truly Hard Corpse should note that New Year's Eve is on a Wednesday this year. That means the Wednesday Night Ride should be extra punchy.Finally, there's only 8 days left until X-mess, so be sure to check out our CRC X-MESS SPECIALS on the post directly below this...

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